Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Special Needs Parenting and "Heart Trouble"

Parents of children with special needs seem to endlessly be walking into
trouble. Whether it's the crisis of a hospital stay, troubles with treatments
or challenges with school, the stress never seems to end. Even daily life can
be a trial that most others will never understand. We are sleep deprived,
financially stretched, socially outcast, verbally assaulted, harassed by doctors
and insurance companies. Most days, merely by getting out of bed, we're heading
into some sort of unique situation that requires creative problem-solving or
teamwork. As we reflect this week on the One who gives us hope, will we set our
face like flint and walk holding His hand through our troubles? He has more
than proven Himself more than worthy of our full trust!With every trial
we face, we can ask ourselves, Will I let it be wasted or will I let this
heartache serve an eternal purpose? Granted, we are imperfect, sinful humans.
But will we, in the final analysis, be able to look back at our challenges and
say, I let the One who calmed the wind and the waves get me through them! What
a blessing it is when we can know for certain that our suffering was not in
vain! And each difficulty we come through with God's help allows us to set our
face like flint for the next one. If He's seen us through before, He will
again.It's a lighthearted stress-release to roll our eyes and wish
ourselves to be on a beach eating bonbons while enjoying tropical breezes. As
long as it's a humorous coping mechanism and not a permanent detour to an
attitude of bitter entitlement, it's okay. Venting to a trusted friend or being
comforted by loved ones is a healthy way to deal with things. But our goal
should be to become like Jesus in ever-increasing measure, knowing that we can
do everything through Him because He gives us the strength. (See 2 Corinthians
3:18 & Philippians 4:13)As you go through these final days before
Easter, quiet yourself and notice how Jesus faced His certain death head-on.
Sit in admiration of His unmatched courage. Soak in the overwhelming gratitude
that rolls over you as you consider what He did for you. And renew your
commitment to follow the Savior who was undaunted by even the most horrendous
adversity. With what He faced, is there anything that He cannot help you to

This blog post by my friend Barb Dittrich of Snappin' Ministries says what's in my heart as huge for this Easter week and always! You can read Barb's blog daily at http://comfortinthemidstofchaos.blogspot.com/2012/04/facing-trouble-head-on-lenten.html?spref=tw

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