Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Mirror of Grandkids

Over the river and thru the woods to Grandmama's house we go!
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh thru white and driftin' snow ..........

It's a cold and snowy Saturday! There's no horse but three of seven grandkids are here for a visit - one with strep throat - but hopefully we're past the worst of that! It's amazing how grandkids hold up a mirror of ourselves - scary sometimes!
Yesterday a friend kept them while I took another friend to the doctor - couldn't quite face managing a handicapped accessible van, off-loading and re-loading my friend and her power chair, talking with the surgeon, picking up prescription and all the rest of that drill with 8, 9, 12 in tow!
I came home to find a pile of various and sundry "toys" from Dollar Tree. My friend took them shopping. One granddaughter took full advantage of the situation to indulge her eye's desires! Then last night she was praying at bedtime, "Jesus, forgive me for being selfish and help Miss Patty to forgive me too."
I am horrified and embarrassed. Why? - well, partially it's a pride issue for me. Then I thought: how many times am I selfish and thoughtless? It must be much more disgusting to God's heart for this believer in Jesus to demonstrate selfishness. Somehow it's worse - far worse - than selfishness at age 8!
I am convicted and instructed by my little granddaughter's prayer, "Jesus, forgive me too for being selfish!"

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