Friday, December 13, 2013

"The Ministry of a Messy House"

I used to vacuum my house every day - long, long years ago!  I got over being a neat-freak! I eventually got way over it!  I'm definitely a recovering neat-freak! Still not sure in my heart if that's a totally good thing!

Back in October my husband took a flying trip to NC to pick up stuff from our division of my parent's household possessions. I wasn't with him as I was in Europe touring ancient sites on a glorious gift of a wonderful journey!  I came home to a washer and dryer in the entrance to our home and all kinds of boxes, clutter, and old furniture in my den. All the furniture particularly needed a serious cleaning since the NC house has been closed for over 4 years. I'm still working through the process. It's a LONG way from neat-freak!

The other night the musician who is playing Sunday at A Restoration Church, Pittsburgh, dropped by to pick up some music. I didn't know he was coming, and I cringed to open the door.  Every day my long list includes finishing neatening up especially the front hall and den. I'm down to only a dryer (which may end up wrapped as a huge Christmas gift with a Christmas tree standing on it - Hopefully NOT!) in the front hall and some stuff we dragged out of the laundry room. O, did I mention that we had to pull a lot of stuff out of the laundry room to get the old washer out and the new washer in?!

This morning I saw this wonderful quote from The Ministry of a Messy House by Amanda Robbie:  Somewhere in the space between totally cluttered squalor and neat-freak shininess, we need a place of Godly contentment. I'm putting Godly contentment on my list for today!

God, help me to find Godly contentment for my heart today (and in my house too)!!!

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