Mrs. Cowman served as a missionary in China and Japan, and spent six years nursing a dying husband. She wrote:
“We thank Thee Lord, for weary days
When desert streams were dry,
And first we knew what depths of need
Thy Love could satisfy.
We thank Thee for the rest in Him
The weary only know-
The perfect, wondrous sympathy
We needs must learn below.
The touch that heals the broken heart
is never felt above;
The angels know His blessedness,
His way-worn saints, His love.” -- written in 1924
That's me today: weary, needy, broken but kept in the Savior's love! Hope that's you as well! We don't have it all together even if we're pretty good at fooling ourselves and others! But, we know where to run with our tired, broken, needy selves - to Jesus the Rock of Ages!