Unbelievable the depths of the evil in men's hearts and their ability to creatively execute that evil! There's the Gosnell trial in Philadelphia - a cesspool of violence and corruption! There is the Boston Marathon Bomb(s) with all the devastation! There are poison letters sent to at least one congressman and the President! And then there was the infamous April 15th! All that is happening in this one week!
As I drove to work this AM, I was struck with wonder as I passed mile after mile of beautiful flowering trees and gorgeous plantings of daffodils and tulips! My thoughts were that God NEVER intended the world to be anything but right, good and beautiful! Instead it is broken beyond repair and not just in the sensational news of this week! The world is broken all over the place and especially in my own heart!
Isn't it wonderful that God still provides the beauty of spring bursting forth after the cold and snow and bleakness of winter to bathe our eyes and our hearts with a glimpse of the beauty that will someday return like it was in the beginning! Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. ... And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then He said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." (Rev. 21:1-5)
Last Friday night Rick and Kay Warren lost their youngest child, their son Matthew. He killed himself because the pain of living became too overwhelming.
Just this morning I read a quote from Kay Warren when she spoke in Greensboro, NC at the Anglican Mission in the Americas Winter Conference February 15, 2011:
"In the last two and
a half years, our fourth grandchild nearly died at birth during an emergency C
section. Seven weeks later, our daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor and
had to undergo 26 hours of brain surgery with a long recovery. Our daughter had
severe auto immune disease, my mother slid mentally into dementia which made me
the primary caretaker. On top of all this, our youngest child struggles with
bipolar disease and has found it difficult to keep going. We have hung on by a
thread of a finger nail," she told a stunned audience. Warren said there
have been struggles in her marriage to Rick, and stress in her walk with God.
Through it all she says her walk with God has become stronger, deeper, richer
and more intimate. "I have great family and friends. I am embarrassed to
be in need. There is no big girl pill nor can I simply chill out." She
added, "When I realize because of God's extravagant lavish love for me,
and that I am his beloved, I can survive the painful circumstances that come
into our lives. "We need to tell people that they are the beloved of God.
In doing so we remove the shame, it removes the guilt over sins I can't
conquer. We are called to be messy with people and be with people in tremendous
need. When you know you are His beloved and not God's bother you risk it all
for Him. People may persecute you and hate you but you know also how much God
loves you."
--By David W. Virtue www.virtueonline.org
Her words:We are called to be messy with people and be with people in tremendous need. When you know you are His beloved and not God's bother you risk it all for Him.challenge me! The emergence of social media is an interesting dynamic where it is possible to see people sharing all kinds of things both trivial and personal. I wonder if these (for want of a better term, social media groupies - which, in some ways, includes me as I also enjoy Twitter, FB and Pinterest) realize their posts will forevermore be somewhere for all the world to see and know or be buried in some archive only to slither forth to bite them another day. Maybe my social media friends are just braver than I. I prefer to think that I am just more wisely cautious than they but who can say? For some time now, I have been contemplating how to fit this observation (about social media) and my musings into a paradigm. I have to honestly admit that a major "hold-me-back" is having been there and done that when things come back to bite me. I seriously don't want to bring that kind of pain on myself! I have been and am a pastor's wife - more than 40 years. I have seen joking and innocent words and actions twisted in unbelievable ways. I have seen bold, risky messy ministry turned into attack opportunities.
It is impossible to catch feathers in the wind which is what spiteful, lying words become. I have lived that awful, ugly pain of being stabbed in the back when I was guilty of little more than being willing to participate in God's call to costly "messy ministry."
I have a friend who is also a pastor's wife. She has struggled with serious depression issues. She has two special needs daughters. I read her blogs and I marvel at her transparency. I benefit from her honesty and am blessed. She has been a major challenge to my heart in my contemplations!
Now I read Kay Warren's comments and I wonder if Kay hasn't cut to the heart of where I need to "camp out" and plant my feet asking God to embolden my fears -
We need to tell people that they are the beloved of God. In doing so we remove the shame, it removes the guilt over sins I can't conquer. We are called to be messy with people and be with people in tremendous need. When you know you are His beloved and not God's bother you risk it all for Him.People may persecute you and hate you but you know also how much God loves you." Just sayin' ... and still thinkin'
Yesterday was Easter. Today is not Easter. Is Easter over? The answer is a plain and simple but resounding NO! Easter isn't Christmas. When Christmas night comes I am always hit with a bit of angst that Christmas is over until next year. I love holidays! I love the memories, traditions (including the new traditions that we've done once so it becomes a tradition), decorations, food and the list goes on! Given enough time and energy I have often put up more than a couple of Christmas trees! Christmas music and the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas fill the air! I love Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Fall and Thanksgiving! And they all come and go until next year. Easter? Not so much! Easter is more than a holiday; Easter is a matter of the heart! Easter is the hinge upon which all of life depends for the Christian. And this matters in humongous ways! We live in a secular even hostile and pagan world in increasing measure. No longer is our world covered with a thin veneer of Christian faith! That's one reason Easter is so critical! Easter is all about the resurrection. If Jesus only died, then He did no more than any other man. His death alone isn't the pivotal issue. His death bracketed by life on both sides is the essential essence of Easter! Easter matters and it matters every minute, hour and day of life for a believer. We MUST live in the peace and hope of the resurrection before a watchin' world! The resurrection of Jesus is the heart of why and how Christian believers all over the world are salt and light in a dark, broken world. The other wonderful thing about Easter is that God has built in a weekly reminder as each Sunday - in a sense - is Resurrection Day! Easter must matter in how I live, think and act! Easter is more huge on my horizon this year than ever before. My sweet Daddy went to heaven last August leaving a huge hole in this world! At Christmas I wondered about what Christmas in heaven is like and shed a few self-serving tears. But yesterday - as we sang and worshipped the Living Savior - I pondered Easter in heaven and concluded that it's always Easter in heaven, always all about the Resurrection. Heaven's light according to Revelation 21:23 is the Light of the World - Jesus!
Jesus, may the power of your resurrection, we celebrated yesterday, show up in our disruptions & disappointments today! (Thanks, Scotty Smith, for this "nails it on the head" prayer!)